Hey, dog parent, nice to see you here 👋
Read useful things and be the best fur-baby parent you can be.

how to choose a dog breed | how to choose a puppy | things to know before getting a puppy
How to choose a perfect dog for me?
Most people wonder what puppy they should get. They cannot decide on breed, color, gender, and many other things...

how to choose a dog breed | how to choose a puppy | things to know before getting a puppy
How do I choose the right dog for me? 10 questions to ask yourself
There’s no straight answer...

choosing a breeder | where to get a puppy | things to know before getting a puppy
How do I choose a good breeder?
First, your gut feeling is important. If you feel that the seller is hiding something from you, don’t buy...

how to choose a puppy | things to know before getting a puppy
How do you pick a puppy from a litter?
Most people want a puppy who approaches them first, as they believe the puppy has chosen them...

Getting a puppy | how to choose a dog | things to know before getting a puppy
Where is it best to get a puppy?
People get their dogs in different ways. We’re going to discuss the most common ones...

Preparation for a puppy | things to get for a new dog
What do you need for a new puppy? Full checklist
New puppy parents tend to buy everything they see in a pet store. We advise against that as most...

Puppy training | dog socialization
How do I socialize my puppy?
Everyone speaks about dog socialization nowadays. The only problem is that most of those...

Potty training | Housetraining a dog | Puppy training
How do I potty train my puppy?
Potty training is one of the biggest concerns of new dog owners. Even if you make everything right, accidents will happen and that's normal...

Crate training | dog spending time alone
Is crate training necessary for a puppy?
Most first-time dog owners hesitate to use a dog crate. However, most dog trainers don't imagine their lives without using one...

Crate training | dog spending time alone
What kind of crate is best for my dog?
There are several types of crates widely accessible. The one which suits your needs best depends...

Crate training | dog separation anxiety | puppy spending time alone
What if I don't want to crate train my puppy?
Some owners hesitate to use a crate. Some still think of it as a jail for their pet...

Puppy biting | dog behavior problems
How do I get my puppy to stop biting?
Even the best puppies don't grow up without having at least some behavior problems...

Dog jumping | dog behavior problems
How do I stop my puppy from jumping?
Although it's cute when a small puppy jumps and asks for attention, eventually...

Dog scavenging | dog behavior problems
How do I get my puppy to stop eating everything off the ground?
Young puppies chew everything. They end up tasting things they are not supposed to...

Dog food types | how to choose puppy food
What is the best food type for dogs?
It's no surprise that lots of owners feel lost while choosing good dog food for their pup. The variety is endless...

Puppy food portions | new puppy at home
How much and how often should I feed my puppy?
Some dog owners believe it's a good idea to let their dogs decide when and how much they want to eat...

Dog food as a reinforcer | dog training | puppy eating habits
Can you train a dog with dog food?
Food is a primary reinforcer for dogs. It's a must if they want to survive, so dogs, just like humans, have the instinct to eat and look for food...

Dangerous foods for dogs | feeding from the table
Most common human foods that are most toxic to dog
Some dog foods which are completely fine to humans might cause problems for dogs. Here are some examples...

New puppy at home | dog training for beginners
What should I teach my puppy first?
As you might be already aware, dog training is not necessarily teaching the cues and commands to which your dog is supposed...